Creating impact with printed maps for buyers and sellers

Watch this training video for real estate agents and brokers. Learn how to create compelling print maps for a listing and leverage them to engage buyers and sellers.

Lesson Overview

Discover how to create compelling print maps to help build relationships, engage buyers and sellers and elevate your real estate presentations. 

Specifically, you'll learn how to:

  • Add your company name, logo and contact information to print maps
  • Create effective print maps based on the map theme (e.g. aerial, topographic, location, specialty soil maps)
  • Export images and print maps from Land id™
  • Incorporate print maps into your sales process (e.g. listing presentation, property tours, closing gifts)

Making effective print maps requires making the theme of the map clear.

Learn how to leverage this powerful marketing tool today.

This lesson is part of the "Marketing Properties" training course.




0:00 - 0:31 - Introduction

0:32 - 0:59 - Adding your company name, logo and contact info to your print maps

1:00 - 1:25 - Common print maps associated with a listing

1:26 - 5:31 - Making aerial print maps

5:32 - 7:25 - Making topographic print maps

7:26 - 9:48 - Making soil print maps

9:49 - 16:13 - Making location print maps

16: 14 - 17:28 - Recap of themed maps and key to making effective print maps

17:29 - 18:46 - Incorporating print maps into your sales process

18:47 - 18:58 - Closing


Create themed print maps (e.g. aerial, topographic, location, and specialty soil maps) relevant to a listing
