Export image of map with Print Map feature

Learn about the Print Map feature, its definition, benefits and how to export an image of your map.



Key benefits

How to use the export a digital image of your map 

Available with any of the following subscriptions

  • Land id™ Pro Plan
  • Land id™ Pro Unlimited Plan


Creating a Land id™ Print Map is a great way to export a PNG or PDF file of your map that includes a title, contact information, personal logo, and detailed legend of any layers you have enabled. 

example of a map png

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Key benefits

  • Create a digital image of a map to embed in your report or listing
  • Create a hardcopy version of a map for physical reference and record-keeping
  • Access any of your printed (or exported) maps at any time from within Land id™
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How to export a digital image of your map 

Watch our YouTube tutorial on "Creating a Print Map" or follow the step-by-step guide below.

Tip:  You can always find your printed maps saved on your account. Just visit your "dashboard" and you should see a tab called "Prints and Reports" 

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