Transmission Lines Overlay

Learn about the Transmission Lines Overlay, including the definition, benefits, tips, coverage and update frequency.


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Transmission Lines are the system of structures, wires, insulators and associated hardware that carry electric energy from one point to another in an electric power system. Lines are operated at relatively high voltages varying from 69 kV up to 765 kV, and are capable of transmitting large quantities of electricity over long distances. Underground transmission lines are included where sources were available.

This overlay represents electric power transmission lines as identified in the Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD).

Key Benefits

  • Can be a useful tool for renewable energy developers to assess local markets
  • Helpful to commercial and industrial builders who are interested in developing in areas with nearby energy resources

Tip:  Click on a transmission line to see a pop-up with information on the name, owner, type, service status, voltage and voltage range of each transmission line feature.

Limitations:  This layer should be used for reference only. Users should be cautious of potential temporal lags in updates, omissions and positional precision errors.


United States of America

Update Frequency

As updates are available