Watch this training video for real estate agents and brokers. Learn how to represent buyers more efficiently and effectively with Land id™.
Lesson Overview
This training will teach you how to improve your buyer representation with Land id™. Specifically, you'll learn how to:
- Use Land id™ to qualify or eliminate properties based on your buyer’s criteria
- Review recommendations with your client to narrow down the list of properties worth touring
This lesson is part of the "Marketing Properties" training course.
0:00 - 0:28 - Introduction
0:29 - 1:35 - Considering your buyer's criteria in finding potential properties
1:36 - 3:10 - Map listings of interest
3:11 - 12:22 - Vet listings based on buyer's criteria and make recommendations
12:23 - 15:25 - Share map with buyer to qualify or eliminate properties to tour
15:26 - 16:32 - Recap
Select an active listing and use Land id™ to research the property and identify common deal-killers and red flags (e.g. access issues, FEMA floodplain, transmission lines).