Points of Interest Overlay

Learn about the Points of Interest Overlay, including the definition, benefits, tips, coverage and update frequency.

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Our Points of Interest overlay includes official place names for the United States. It represents a wide range of geographic features that provide context and detail to your map. It is derived from the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS); the Federal and national standard for geographic nomenclature. The U.S. Geological Survey's National Geospatial Program developed the GNIS in support of the U.S. Board on Geographic Names as the official repository of domestic geographic names data, the official vehicle for geographic names used by all departments of the Federal Government.

Points of Interest on map

Key Benefits

  • Provides general reference for real estate professionals and buyers who are seeking a better familiarity of their area
  • Provides context for real estate professionals and buyers who are evaluating a specific property

Tip:  Click on a points of interest icon to see a pop-up with information on the name, type and elevation of each point of interest.

Limitation:  GNIS data is generally considered to be accurate, though errors in naming and positional precision can occur.


United States of America

Update Frequency

As updates are available