Game Management Areas Overlay

Learn about the Game Management Areas Overlay, including the definition, benefits, tips, coverage and update frequency.

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Game Management Areas (GMAs) refer to designated regions where wildlife conservation and sustainable resource management are prioritized. These areas are carefully managed to strike a balance between the preservation of natural habitats and the regulated utilization of wildlife for recreational purposes, such as hunting and eco-tourism.

GMAs are typically governed by federal, state or local agencies, working in collaboration with conservation organizations and local communities. The overarching objective is to maintain biodiversity, protect endangered species and support outdoor activities that contribute to both conservation efforts and the local economy. The specific regulations and management practices may vary across states and federal jurisdictions, reflecting the diverse ecological landscapes and wildlife populations found throughout the United States.

Key Benefits

  • This overlay can be an effective tool for highlighting a listing’s proximity to interesting and valuable game management areas.
  • It is a useful resource for hunting enthusiasts.

Tip:  Click on the overlay to see a pop-up with information including the state-designated GMA code for each unit.

Limitation:  This overlay should be used for reference only. Users should be cautious of potential temporal lags in updates, omissions and positional precision errors.


California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming

Update Frequency

As updates are available