Create a buffer zone with the Buffer Tool

Learn about the Buffer tool, including the definition, benefits, tips, limitations and step by step how to use it.



Key benefits

How to use the buffer tool

Available with any of the following subscriptions

  • Land id™ Pro
  • Land id™ Pro Unlimited


Our Land id™ buffer tool is designed to create zones around map features at specified distances. This functionality allows you to analyze proximity relationships effectively, helping in spatial analysis and informed decision-making by identifying areas within a certain distance from points, lines or shapes.

Buffer tool on Web

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Key benefits

  • Buffers can be created for all points, lines and shapes.
  • Buffer zones will show the amount of acreage they occupy.


  • The buffer tool is only available in the desktop.
  • Currently, the tool only creates exterior buffers.

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How to use the buffer tool

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