Learn about the CCNs Overlay, including the definition, benefits, tips, coverage and update frequency.
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A Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) gives a utility company the special right to provide water or sewer services in a specific area. This ensures people in that area get steady and good-quality service. Different groups like investor-owned utilities, Water Supply Corporations (WSCs) and affected counties have to get a CCN. Cities and districts can also choose to get CCNs if they want to offer these services in an area already covered by a CCN.
Key Benefits
- This overlay can provide a clear visual representation of utility service areas, aiding in spatial analysis and decision-making.
- It can help identify service patterns, informs infrastructure planning and ensures regulatory compliance, ultimately promoting transparency and informed consumer awareness.
Tip: Click on a CCN area to see a pop-up with information on CCN number, utility, CCN type, and status.
Limitations: This overlay should be used for reference only. Users should be cautious of potential temporal lags in updates, omissions and positional precision errors.
Update Frequency