Airports Overlay

Learn about the Airports Overlay, including the definition, benefits, tips, coverage and update frequency


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Our Airports overlay represents specific locations where aircraft operations take place. These points are marked on maps to indicate the presence of airports, heliports, seaports, glider ports, ultralight facilities or balloon ports. They serve as reference markers for navigation, travel planning and understanding the distribution of aviation-related infrastructure. Data is provided by the Federal Aviation Administration.

Airports on map

Key Benefits

  • This overlay allows for efficient decision-making in areas such as emergency response, urban planning and economic development.
  • Provides insights into the spatial relationships and connectivity of air transportation networks.

Tip:  Label includes the facility name and points are color-coded by port type.

Limitations:  This overlay should be used for reference only. Users should be cautious of potential temporal lags in updates.


United States of America

Update Frequency

As updates are available